[Activity club사진] Gaeng Som (Sour Soup) , 깽솜

페이지 정보

작성자 SookJai 쪽지보내기 아이디로 검색 댓글 0건 조회 1,791회 작성일 23-10-05 08:50


Gaeng som translates to sour soup – but throughout Thailand there are a number of different variations and styles.

In Bangkok when you order gaeng som, it’s often a reddish sweet and sour soup including shrimp. 

But in the south of Thailand, gaeng som is a staple soup that’s laced with chillies and seasoned with turmeric and enjoyed with almost every meal. 

The soup is made of ground chillies, fresh turmeric root and lots of garlic. The result is a fiery broth that will excite your taste buds with every slurp!

생선찌개,,,꽃잎 넣고 파파야 넣고 쉬고 달고 맵고,,, 


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